Wednesday, 10 June 2009

I've Been Drawing

Not content with sewing buttons all day, I have been working on some illustrations this week. These are a couple of initial sketches for a kids book I've had in my head for a very long time... dont want to give too much away at the moment...


  1. I love these illustrations! I'm working on a children's book as well, but I'll just be writing rather than illustrating, although I would love to be able to do that too! Vic

  2. Lovely illustrations! All the best for your book venture!

  3. These are lovely Kirsty. I love the subtle colouring and your tree is brilliant! So different.

  4. These drawings are lovely!

    I can't believe you were in Glencoe too (red squirrel?) - It was that boiling weekend! we didn't swim in the river but Michael jumped off the top of the waterfall at the falls of falloch.

  5. thanks showpony
    yes it was red squirrel - what a great place and within stumbling distance of a great pub too. Waterfall jumping puts my puny swimming efforts to shame!

  6. These are really lovely, you should draw something beachy, I could sell that ;)

  7. kirsty,
    I came across your work on Ruby loves red. You are incredible!!! These drawings of yours remind me of a charcter I draw, poppy (the bottom image especially) I am a graphic designer/ illustrator from Victoria, Australia... i love your work, I have to say though, I hate pigeons sorry! great to come across your work,
